Sep 12, 2019
Welcome to the What's Next! podcast with Tiffani Bova.
This week I am so thrilled to be able to chat with Tasha Eurich. Tasha is an organizational psychologist, researcher, and New York Times best-selling author. Over her 15-plus-year career, Tasha has built a reputation as a fresh, modern voice in the business world by pairing her scientific grounding in human behavior with a pragmatic approach to professional development. She’s helped thousands of leaders—from public company CEOs to early-stage entrepreneurs—improve their self-awareness and success. Her TEDxMileHigh talks have been viewed more than three million times and in 2019, Thinkers50 named her one of the top 30 emerging management thinkers in the world. She was also chosen from more than 16,000 candidates as one of Marshall Goldsmith’s “100 Coaches” to advance the practice of leadership. Her first book, Bankable Leadership, debuted at #8 on The New York Times bestseller list and her latest book, Insight, was named a Best Book of 2017 by Strategy+Business and nominated for Best Book of the Year by 800CEOREAD. I am beyond thrilled to be speaking with Tasha Eurich on the What’s Next! Podcast.
THIS EPISODE IS PERFECT FOR… aspiring and current leaders, as well as anyone interacting with other humans in the 21st century who want to become more self-aware.
TODAY’S MAIN MESSAGE… As the foundational skill for our success and happiness in both our professional and personal lives, it behooves us to become self-aware both internally and externally, and Tasha breaks it down.
WHAT I LOVE MOST… I have always thought that the conversation around self-awareness, how we lead and how we think we lead, and how we communicate and think we communicate is fascinating and so beneficial. This podcast will open your eyes to the reality of your own self-awareness and how others might perceive you.
Running time: 34:10

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The Insight Quiz: