Aug 2, 2018
Double-Clicking on Diversity and Inclusion
Welcome to the What's Next! podcast with Tiffani Bova.
This week, I feature Dr. Tony Byers on the podcast. He is best known for leading Global Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) at Starbucks where was responsible for developing and leading the strategic direction for D&I to drive engagement, innovation, and business growth. He's an accomplished inclusion and change management specialist with 20 years of demonstrated experience leading change in large, multinational organizations.
THIS EPISODE IS PERFECT FOR… people looking for more information on the power of diversity and inclusion to drive growth in business.
Tony begins our conversation by defining diversity simply as who you are (looks, background, etc). Inclusion, however, is a behavior driving people to be involved, respected, valued, and connected. In short, diversity is a noun and inclusion is a verb. These definitions not only encompass everything I (and my past guests have said all along) but is succinct, simple, and spot-on.
Tony’s research found that leaders do not see the full spectrum of diversity, which results in a lack of innovation. There’s a small chance — the innovation window — when organizations can positively affect their product growth. This window lives at the top of the S-Curve when a product has peaked. How companies uncover
WHAT I LOVE MOST… is the distinction between “D” and “d.” Finding diversity goes beyond gender, race, ethnicity, age and other factors we cannot control. However, what we can control is our thinking styles and the ways in which we behave when working with people who are different in some way. I will continue to think about D&I as an all-encompassing term and will continue to talk about how D&I can help companies be better at growth, product development, and innovation.
Running time: 32:53
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