Sep 28, 2023
Welcome to the What's Next! Podcast with Tiffani Bova.
This week on the What's Next! Podcast, I’m joined by Lisa Bodell, one of my very first guests on the podcast.
Lisa is all about simplification and productivity. She is the founder and CEO of FutureThink, a company that uses simple techniques to help organizations embrace change and increase their capability for innovation. She's got two bestselling books, Kill the Company and Why Simple Wins.
THIS EPISODE IS PERFECT FOR… anybody feeling like they’re in a productivity rut.
TODAY’S MAIN MESSAGE… there’s a big difference between spending time and investing time. We seldom define the purpose of things and, more frequently, just dive straight into “the what.” This way of operating influences so many things, how teams are organized, the way that meetings are conducted, and even whether teams work remotely or in person. Lisa says the people who are truly productive will use time as an investment and have a clear sense of purpose behind the work.
WHAT I LOVE MOST… building a culture where stopping something is viewed as important as starting something. Lisa shares the example of a client that has incorporated this into their strategic planning with a slide dedicated to things that will be eliminated in order to make space for things that are more of a priority.
Running Time: 24:28
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